RuneScape Players Wiki
- Maarjo90 is a less know F2P player, he started in 2006 or later and was active for sometime but now mostly comes by for events and sometimes for fun and for some skill training. Because there are so little F2P quest and that there are almost never new ones coming for F2P users he has done all F2P quest and some P2P on hes trial membership.
- It's not hard to notice that he loves wooden shields and has one with him almost all the time and over 1k of them in hes bank.
EveryDay Outfit

EveryDay Outfit for non skilling or fighting days.

Bandicam 2012-06-24 04-37-32-720

As he is seen naked!

in 23.06.2012 he got a combat level to 80 what had not changed for almost
Skills 24.06

Stats in 24.06.2012

a year.
Only know times hes know to be member was when runescape offered a free trial for 14 day membership.